Paul and Mel's UK

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Punce factor out of 10?


I am starting a short course tonight called "Harmonising." It's a course that runs for 10 weeks, one night per week for about 2 hours per evening.

So you're thinking, Harmonising, that could be ... work/life balance, maybe a bit of yoga, channelling energy, something a little spiritual maybe.

Hmmm, nice try. It's actually a wine tasting course.

Well it's a Food and Wine Harmonisation course where you have a meal each week and you get to taste up to around 65 wines (throughout the 10 weeks, not every evening!) and it teaches you to match wines to various food types.

And given that I consider myself a bit of an amateur chef, I thought this course would be fabulous to do. I actually originally wanted to do a gourmet cookery course but couldn't find a suitable one close by. So, to have to quaff some wine instead each week? How disappointing!

I'm really looking forward to it though and promise to pass on my tips to you all.


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