Paul and Mel's UK

Saturday, March 10, 2007

No way is it going to be as comfortable as it looks

I got this photo from an airline's web site. As a (now) experienced long haul traveler, I can say that the 22 odd hour flight and the 11 hours time difference makes the Travel from the UK to Oz, well, just a tad trying.

Sure, in flight entertainment has made things a lot better. I mean, I wouldn't read more than two books a year. In the old days, making the long haul and back would mean that I would need to lug around at least five of them. And all that reading ... messed with my equilibrium ...

So why do I do it? Because I need to refresh the batteries. I need to get my fix of all those things I love about Australia. I need to catch up with friends and - as I am getting on in my years - their new children.

And with that in mind, I will be spending Easter back in Australia. I have just booked in my flights and look forward to it immensely. Now where are my noise canceling headphones ...


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