A World of Adventure

Highlights of the day:
- NC braving her fear of heights and conquering the Vampire and Devil's Fury and LOVING them;
- NC and MH thinking I'm some kind of freak for staying on the Rameses Revenge for an extra go and loving every minute of it even though it resembles a tumble dryer on fast spin (see the pic top left, that's me with two empty seat next to me ... where NC and MH used to sit);
- Deciding to go on the Rattlesnake (main pic) thinking it would be a slow and calm ride as MH was feeling a little bit worse for wear after Rameses only to discover that it was fast and furious and throws you round like crazy (MH's expression sums it up nicely). Then purchasing the picture and laughing non-stop for ages afterwards;
- Witnessing a 10 minute duel between two bull seals at the zoo and finally getting to see the underdog trump the bully in the end and push him into the water;
- The serenity and calmness of Bubbleworks (coloured lighting and waterfall pics).
All in all it was such a fun day where three grown women acted like giggling children for 7 hours straight. I went straight home for a nana nap afterwards - adrenalin-exhaustion.
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