Paul and Mel's UK

Friday, February 29, 2008

Dubai or not Dubai? That is the question.

A wise man once said, "When you get to a fork in the road, take it."

I've been offered a fantastic opportunity to head up an HR dept in Dubai ... that tax free man made haven in the middle of a vast desert. Do I take it?

It's a fast-paced, exciting, contradictory city with opportunities abound. However; I would imagine it would also be a very lonely place. A transient city. A melting-pot of morals, values, cultures and religions.

I spent the last week there. It's a city that doesn't understand the concept of equal opportunities. Am I being a cock-eyed optimist to think that I could walk into this role and change the mentality of people and stamp out discrimination that has been occurring for decades before me? And, what if it can't be done? Do I become an HR professional who just accepts discrimination because "that's the way it's done around here." Is that me? Would I sell out?

Am I being too dramatic? I DON'T KNOW! Am I thinking too much into it? MAYBE!


  • Hi, you should contact Jules of Jetsetting Jules ( who worked in HR in Dubai before her current job. I'm sure she could give you some advice. Good luck!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 AM  

  • Hi,

    Will do that. Thanks for the tip.


    By Blogger Melissa, at 3:52 AM  

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