Paul and Mel's UK

Friday, May 20, 2005

The job search

Just before Robert DeNiro clubs an associate in the back of the head with a baseball bat in The Untouchables, he says something like 'In life, things are funny because they are true'. This is not the exact quote and would welcome if anyone can find it on the web.

After attending a myriad agancy interviews, I attended a client interview for a project management role. Nothing too heavy, just develop some business requirements, pass them onto IT and make sure it doesn't get too far off course. Pay rate was good, though it was only a short-ish contract. I did not have my heart set on the role, but it would have made for a good story if I had landed it because I would have started the job search on a Monday and been working by that Friday.

It turns out that I did not get the role. Was it because I did not have the right skills? No. It turns out that my skills were a good fit. Rather, it was because I was too keen. Too eager. Too wired. This is funny because those who know me are reading this and saying. 'Yeah, well ... they have a point ...'. I am wired, I realise, It works for me most of the time. But not this time.

'In life, things are funny because they are true'. The search continues.


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